Benefits of Buying a Used Bucket Truck

Used Bucket TruckWhen it comes time for a company to purchase a bucket truck, there are a number of elements to consider. Among the most important considerations to take when buying equipment is the decision to buy new or used.

Although the prospect of buying a used vehicle can make business owners wary, particularly when their company depends on the reliability of a truck to prosper, there are a number of advantages that come with purchasing a used bucket truck. When using the proper vendor, buying a used bucket truck can result in cost savings, less risk and fewer mechanical issues.

5 Advantages of Buying a Used Bucket Truck

Cost Savings

One of the primary advantages that comes with buying a used bucket truck rather than buying a new one is the amount of cost savings accrued.  While new bucket trucks can retail at well over $100,000, used bucket trucks of the same or similar models are often sold at half the price, positively affecting a company’s bottom line.

Fewer Mechanical Issues

The idea that used bucket trucks have more mechanical issues than new trucks is a common misconception; in fact, used bucket trucks are actually less likely to run into the mechanical issues you see in new trucks. This is due to two factors: first, the “break in period,” or the amount of time a bucket truck’s engine needs in order for the bearings to set and the piston rings to seal properly around the cylinder, is negated when buying a used truck; often new trucks must travel distances of several thousand miles before they achieve this. Second, mechanical issues that often occur in new trucks are less likely to occur, or more likely to have already been resolved, in used trucks.

Wider Selection

Buying a used truck affords the customer with a wider selection to chose from. With demand in the market rising, availability of new bucket trucks is declining, and the time it takes to receive a new bucket truck is increasing. In contrast, there is an ample selection of high-quality, reconditioned bucket trucks available in the current market.

Less Risk

Buying a used bucket truck comes with less overall risk than buying a new truck. Because the cost is lower, the required loan to buy the truck will be reduced, if a loan is needed at all. Additionally, a buying a used truck will mean a lower depreciation rate; while new trucks can depreciate in value rapidly, used bucket trucks tend to hold their value over time.

Maximum ROI

Buying a used bucket truck from a trusted dealer ensures that you’ll save money while making maximum return on investment. At Atlas Truck Sales, all of our used bucket trucks go through a rigorous inspection process, ensuring that you receive the greatest value.

Buying a used bucket truck comes with a number of advantages. Shorter loan times, less risk of depreciation and mechanical issues, and an overall reduced cost makes buying used a great alternative for equipment. Atlas Truck Sales specializes in the sale of reconditioned bucket trucks, and maintains one of the cleanest inventories in the industry. Contact us today to learn more about how your business can benefit from buying a used bucket truck.